The Ajaxturm, which was named in 1865, is located in the corridor "Heerkretz". The legendary vineyard tower, which is unusual in size and shape, can be found in the Siefersheim coat of arms. The following story is told about the origin of the Ajaxturm: At the beginning of the 19th century there lived in Siefersheim a rich farmer's son, beautiful in figure and a lively dancer. When he walked through the streets, many a shy girl's gaze followed him. Even the daughter of the miller from the "Katzensteiger" mill was in love with him. The girl's affection found an answer. But the stubborn miller was against a relationship. Years ago he had once lost a trial against the young man's father. The daughter was therefore married to a wine merchant and soon died of heartbreak. But the young man remained unmarried. On the spot where he had once met his sweetheart, he had a tower built. The dog in the later coat of arms reminds of the faithful "Tiras" who accompanied the lovers on their walks. He is the symbol of loyalty until death. Translated with (free version)

Weg zum Ajaxturm
Ajaxturm 1
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Ortsgemeinde Siefersheim

55599 Siefersheim

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55599 Siefersheim