The Anhäuser Mühle in Monsheim is something very special. As the seat of the municipal administration and the tourist information office, it is idyllically located in the countryside. For art and culture lovers, it has developed into a venue with its own unique flair in recent years. Numerous performances, concerts and exhibitions take place throughout the year. In the open-air season in the unique courtyard of the mill building, in the cooler season in the adjacent council hall or even the historic cross vault (wedding room). This point is part of an audiovisual tour with additional content that can be accessed via Youtube The audiovisual content of this point was created by a project of the LAG Rhein-Haardt and was funded within the framework of the EULLE development programme with the participation of the European Union and the state of Rhineland-Palatinate, represented by the Ministry of Economics, Transport, Agriculture and Viticulture of Rhineland-Palatinate

Die Anhäuser Mühle in Monsheim
Publizitätshinweis Leader Region Rhein-Haardt
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Contact details:

Touristinfo & Tourismusförderung der VG Monsheim

Alzeyer Str. 15 (Anhäuser Mühle)

67590 Monsheim

Tel: (0049) 6243 180916

Contact details:

Touristinfo & Tourismusförderung der VG Monsheim

Alzeyer Str. 15 (Anhäuser Mühle)

67590 Monsheim

Tel: (0049) 6243 180916