One of the oldest stone bridges in Germany, with bridge chapel. Bridges have a long tradition in the Nahe estuary. The first one was built in the decade before Chriti's birth. At that time Drusus fortified the left Rhine border of the Roman Empire by building fortifications and had a wooden bridge built over the Nache. After its destruction in 70 AD, the first stone bridge followed, which fell victim to the Normans around 891. Archbishop Willigis built a new stone bridge over the Nahe a good hundred years later. In this bridge, a small early Romanesque bridge chapel was hewn out of the Nahe's riverbank rock in the eastern bridge pier in order to entrust the bridge to the protection of the church. The key can be borrowed at the tourist information office. Destroyed by the French in 1689, it was rebuilt again in 1772. In March 1945, a special commando blew up the bridge arch in front of the advancing Allied troops. Today, the Drusus Bridge once again characterizes the townscape of Bingen.

Contact details:

Bingen Tourismus & Kongress GmbH

Rheinkai 21

55411 Bingen am Rhein

Tel: (0049) 6721 184200

Contact details:

Bingen Tourismus & Kongress GmbH

Rheinkai 21

55411 Bingen am Rhein

Tel: (0049) 6721 184200