Edelgasse/corner of Stiegelgasse

The lower part of Stiegelgasse and Edelgasse form one of the early cores of Ober-Ingelheim’s settlement. Here a significant number of aristocratic estates were concentrated. Most were singular farmsteads surrounded by large gardens or parks.

The estate Stiegelgasse 65 with the Bodepark once belonged to the von Beuser family, one of the two sidelines of an early mentioned old Ingelheim kin of nobles. Around 1837, on this site, the estate of the wine and vinegar merchant Philipp August Gerhard was created, using old foundations. The majestic villa presents itself in a late baroque style: villa and park are named after a later owner, Adolf Bode.

Stiegelgasse 50, still today in the shape it had in 1733, has been known for ages as the ancestral seat of the later promoted Counts of Ingelheim.

In the baroque style corner-house Stiegelgasse/Edelgasse No. 1 lived the ”Wölfe von Sponheim”, later the lords of Wallbrunn.

The manor Edelgasse 5 was, according to a well preserved blazon above the gate, owned in 1614 by “Wolf Philip Hund of Saulheim” and his wife, Anna Katahrina, whose maiden name was von Rodenstein. In the courtyard a fragment of a roman stone from the 2nd/3rd century is preserved.

The impressive renaissance building Stiegelgasse 48 belonged to the lords Horneck von Weinheim from the late 15th to the early 19th century. From 1834 to 1865 the farmstead was the domicile of the Rheinhessen member of the national assembly in St. Pauls Church in Frankfurt, Dr. Martin Mohr (1788–1865). Between 1962 and 1967 the later Federal president Richard von Weizsäcker lived there.

Edelgasse/corner of Stiegelgasse