The church as it appears today dates from 1792. The first documented mention of the church dates back to 1309. Inside the church there are two galleries. The last renovation took place in 1999. The church tower carries a harmonious peal of bells, which has been complete again since 1992 and could be paid for with financial help from the population. The parish of Kriegsheim belongs to the Monsheim-Kriegsheim-Hohen-Sülzen parish association and the regional church of Hesse-Nassau. Text taken from Rundgang Kriegsheim with kind permission.

Ev. Kirche Kriegsheim
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Contact details:

Ev. Kirche, ehem. St. Peter

Ev. Kirche OT Kriegsheim

Hauptstr. 162

67590 Monsheim OT Kriegsheim


Contact details:

Ev. Kirche, ehem. St. Peter

Hauptstr. 162

67590 Monsheim OT Kriegsheim
