© Klein© Klein

After the nave of the Catholic Church had to be demolished in the 1930s due to dilapidation, the Protestant parish was faced with the question of where to hold its services in the future. The official commissioning took place on September 25, 1853. The church owes its name to Grand Duke Ludwig III. from Hesse. In addition to a Köhler organ, the church has two stained glass windows by the Odenwald artist Heinz Hindorf and liturgically differently colored antependiums by the Rheingau artist Magarethe Keith as treasures. One window shows John the Baptist at the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan, the other King David with the prophet Nathan and the beautiful Bathshebar. Viewing: Possible by prior arrangement

ev. Kirche Schornsheim
ev. Kirche Schornsheim Innenraum
ev. Kirche Schornsheim Fenster