Führung - UNESCO Welterbe – die jüdischen Monumente in Worms

In July 2021, the cities of Worms, Speyer and Mainz were awarded the title of World Heritage Site by UNESCO for their ShUM sites. The cities are considered the cradle of Ashkenazi Judaism. Discover the Jewish monuments in Worms and their significance for the cultural heritage on this guided tour. You will visit the oldest preserved Jewish cemetery in situ in Europe, the ‘Holy Sand’, as well as the former Jewish quarter in the Judengasse with the synagogue. The monuments illustrate Jewish life in the city and, together with the religious tradition, the solidarity of the ShUM communities in every respect.

Meeting point: Synagogue Square Dates: April to October, always on the first Sunday of the month, 10.30 a.m.

The offer is aimed at individual visitors and small groups of up to 6 people. Guided tour in German Advance booking / ticketing: Price per ticket € 10.
Children up to 14 years free, but require an admission ticket. Only online ticketing via www.ticket-regional.de or in advance at all Ticket Regional sales points, e.g. at the Tourist Information and Shop am Dom (Mon - Sat, during opening hours, NO ticket sales on Sundays)

Please note the visitor information, changes at short notice are possible at any time. When visiting the Jewish cemetery, male visitors must wear a head covering.

Jüdischer Friedhof Heiliger Sand