Operating mode: Restaurant
Cuisine: seasonal, regional, good for allergy sufferers

Genusswerkstatt Menges, behind which is the craft restaurant - here the knowledge of the grandparents is combined with the technology of today. The restaurant is housed in an old bakery from 1832. The wines are from Rheinhessen. Even baked bread without additives. It is cooked as the seasons change, with an original understanding of aromas and smells. There is deliberately no meat from factory farming. Cattle, pigs and poultry come from German farmers - Wild from local forests. New menu every 14 days.

Hot food: see opening times
Main courses: 10,80 - 28,00 Euro
Open Rheinhessen wines: 18
Seats: inside 36 | closed society possible | sep. room 12

Dates: see website

Genusswerkstatt Menges