Geführte Erlebniswanderung auf der Hiwweltour „Neuborn“


Guided adventure hike on the Hiwweltour "Neuborn"

by cultural and wine ambassador Angelika Friedrich

Experience an unforgettable hike on the newly certified Hiwweltour "Neuborn". During the approx. 8 km long adventure hike, we stop briefly at various beautiful places and learn interesting facts about the vineyard storm, the Neubornbad, the Roman graves and other sights along the way.

Variant I: guided adventure hike

Duration : about 3 hours

Costs : from 10 persons € 9.00 per person

from 20 persons € 6.00 per person

from 30 persons € 4.50 per person

from 50 persons 3,00 € per person

Variation II: Guided adventure hike with a 3-course wine tasting

Duration : about 3.5 hours

Costs : from 10 persons 15,00 € per person

from 20 persons 12,00 € per person

from 30 persons 10,50 € per person

from 50 persons € 9.00 per person

Variation III: guided adventure hike with 5-series wine tasting

Duration : about 4 hours

Costs : from 10 persons 19,00 € per person

from 20 persons € 16.00 per person

from 30 persons € 14.50 per person

from 50 persons 13,00 € per person

Start : Parking Waldgaststätte Neuborn, Neubornstr. 2, 55286 Wörrstadt
A subsequent stop in a Gutsschänke, restaurant or a café is possible on request at their own expense.


Hiwweltour Neubor
Hiwweltour Neuborn1
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Contact details:

Geführte Erlebniswanderung auf der Hiwweltour „Neuborn“

Angelika Friedrich - Kultur und Weinbotschafterin

Hintere Dorfstr. 20

55286 Sulzheim

Tel: (0049) 6732 7096

Contact details:

Geführte Erlebniswanderung auf der Hiwweltour „Neuborn“

Hintere Dorfstr. 20

55286 Sulzheim

Tel: (0049) 6732 7096