Kirche St. Paulus. Dominikanerkloster und Heidenturmkirche

The monastery and convent of St. Paulus, built from 1002 onwards, is located in the centre of Worms and is a place of peace and quiet in this lively city. The collegiate church was originally built as a three-nave Romanesque pillar basilica, and the stone dome helmets of the two pagan towers give the church its special appearance. Unlike other collegiate churches, the choir is closed on five sides in good late Romanesque forms. The west building has an octagonal dome (13th century) and is flanked by two older stone-covered round towers (oriental influence). The church and monastery belong to the Dominican Order, which also runs a training centre, a novitiate, in Worms. Inside the monastery there is an enchanting courtyard which is not continuously open to the public. The Dominicans allow access to the green oasis for the monastery concerts, which alone is worth a visit.

Contact for guided tours: +49 6241 920400

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