Landscape-typical farmstead (Kirchstraße 2/2a)

A large plot of land in the 'Kirchgasse' north of the old Kirchweg was once held by the Schultheiß Emmerich von Engelstadt as a fief of the Counts of Nassau. After his death, his descendants received all the properties in Wackernheim as freehold in 1485.

From 1819 onwards, the elongated estate was owned by the Michel family. In 1856, the farmer Jakob Michel had the large barn with a cellar built (today Kirchstraße 2a) and enclosed the farm on the road side with a wall. At the same time, the existing outbuildings were demolished. The gate was also built in the course of this construction work. It can be concluded from this that the entrance to the house was from the courtyard side at that time. With three habitable rooms, the house had a medium level of comfort.

Incidentally, the people of Wackernheim offered their agricultural produce at the Mainz market on Tuesdays and Fridays. The tradition of the so-called "Mainzergang" began in 1200, when the residents were obliged to work for the construction and maintenance of the Mainz city wall. In return, they were exempt from all duties for the import and export of weekly market produce.

Hofanlage Kirchstraße 2/2a