Built in 1885, generally renovated in the course of the "Environmental Railway Station Rhineland-Palatinate" project in 1999-2001. After the first train ran to Worms in 1864, to Alzey in 1867, to Marnheim/Kaiserslautern in 1872 and to Grünstadt in 1873, the station developed into an important railway junction, where the railway services "Bahnhof", "Bahnmeisterei", "Bahnbetriebswerk" and "Signalmeisterei" employed over 50 people at times. Today, there are no more employees of the Bahn AG at the station. However, it is still an important traffic junction with Park + Ride parking spaces. Text taken from Ortsrundgang Monsheim with kind permission.

Bahnhof Monsheim
railway impression © Michael Röhrenbeck