The print shop sees itself as a practice-oriented place for everyone with a specialist and lay area. It is an authentic place with original type cabinets, lead letters and wooden poster letters. The toggle and gravure presses from the second half of the 19th century emphasize the museum reference, but are also ready for use. A tabletop trigger press and two manual trigger presses complete the current range of hand presses.

As a museum educational workshop, the »Druckladen« offers interested groups as well as individuals opportunities to do practical and productive work in the field of high and low pressure. In the print shop, words and pictures, fonts and print templates can be set and printed in your own assembly. This possibility of producing even smaller printed matter opens up insights into the complicated technique of hand typesetting, which is generally only to be found in museum “lead reserves”. At the same time, everyone's view of the incomparable perfection of Bible printing, which emerged in the middle of the 15th century, is sharpened. Setting with old wood and lead fonts can be tried out here in a variety of ways - independently and under expert guidance: - In the first access, for example, by stringing together a few lines or a short text, using the font primarily as an information carrier; - by setting a text in combination with a pictorial representation or also - through the playful handling of typographic material, more in the sense of the pictorial potential of the font.

Combining the historical reference level of the invention of printing with movable type with the practical level is a core concern of the museum's educational offer, which is aimed at: - Learning groups from all types of schools who register for special printing processes; - Project groups who want to use the museum as a place of learning for practical collaborative work over a longer period of time; - Groups of short visitors who also want to print after a tour of the museum and thus seek to deepen their viewing experience through their own actions. - Individuals who want to be creative with the different possibilities of printing.

Printshop Gutenberg-Museum
Printshopf Gutenberg- Museum
Printshop Gutenberg- Museum

Opening hours

18.12.2017 to 31.12.2018

show on map

Contact details:

Druckladen des Gutenberg-Museums

Liebfrauenplatz 5

55116 Mainz

Tel: (+49)6131 122686

Contact details:

Druckladen des Gutenberg-Museums

Liebfrauenplatz 5

55116 Mainz

Tel: (+49)6131 122686