3475-weinprasentation-on-red-hang-ullrich-just-Rheinhessen wine-ev, © Ullrich Knapp / Rheinhessen wine eV© Ullrich Knapp / Rheinhessen wine eV

The red hillside is a wine growing area with special optics between Nierstein and Nackenheim. The former formation emerged over 280 million years ago because of a collapse of the rhine ditch between the basin of Mainz and the upper rhine ditch. Another special feature is the red ground which was also determining for the name. The colouring happened because of embedded iron compounds which emerged under the subtropic climate of another era. The substance of the ground is consists of clay and sandstone and in combination with the climate today the red hillside gives its grapes an extraordinary taste. Moreover the red stone is the youngest deposit of the Rotliegend period in the Saar- Nahe basin which is still preserved until today. The area is divided into seven individual layers: Orbel, Heiligenbaum, Ölberg, Hipping, Brudersberg, Pettenthal and Rothenberg. Mainly Riesling with really good quality is grown here. Furthermore diverse events are taking place at the red hillside because of its special qualities.

Roter Hang Blick Richtung Nierstein
Roter Hang, Blick Richtung Nackenheim