Rinderbach Street

Here at the northern end of Rinderbachstraße there was a roofed double gate in the Middle Ages. It regulated access to and from Nieder-Ingelheim and led along newly built Grundstraße directly to the small market square near St. Remigius. The remains of the gate were built over at the beginning of the 19th century in order to provide housing in the shape of a gatehouse. Meanwhile even these changes have had to be removed because of decay. The only remaining part is a side pillar, which stayed connected to the outside wall of the earlier pharmacy.

Roughly in the middle of Rinderbach, in front of the eastern entry to “Ringgasse”, there is a small side road, Spitalgasse, leading to a chapel consecrated to St. Justus (also St. Jodokus, St. Jost). It was donated by the widow of Johann von Melwald in 1387. This small chapel, protruding to the east was profaned in 1565 in the course of the Reformation and left to decay. For a later use as living quarters, some edificial changes took place. Despite this, it is a rare example of a medieval Spitalkapelle, still preserved in major parts, in this region. .

The no longer existent hospital building, founded in the 12th/13th century close to a fertile source, served as a shelter for the sick, orphans and old people but also for voyagers for centuries until the French revolution.

Rinderbach Street