Church hall 1
Church hall 2

For a long time it was believed that the hall church was Charlemagne's palatine chapel. Archaeological excavations from 1960 to 1963 showed, however, that the church was not built until after the year 900, under Ottonian rule. However, the latest charcoal samples from the foundation date the church to the years 1027-1154, i.e. the time of the Salians.

In 2004 archaeologists found two early medieval predecessor buildings to the north of the hall church during excavations. They probably served Charlemagne and the following rulers as a small private band. The representative Palatinate Church at that time was the St. Remigius Church, 400 meters away.

Since it was built, the hall church has been rebuilt and renovated several times. Under the Hohenstaufen in the 12th century, the transept was increased and the flanking bell towers received Romanesque architectural decorations. The large bell tower was added in 1861. After being destroyed in the Thirty Years' War, the nave was not rebuilt on the historical foundations until 1964. On the exterior, the colors mark the various construction phases: the medieval parts are red, the later additions are plastered in yellow.

In the interior there is a permanent exhibition on building history and the Ottonian Palatinate.

Guided tour of the hall church
Church hall 1
Church hall 2