Operating mode: ostrich management
Cuisine: seasonal, regional, vegetarian
Rheinhessen in its unmistakable way: family spirit, original dialect, traditional food and above all a lot of wine! On the menu, which just makes you happy when reading, there are regional delicacies, such as Rheinhessen hand cheese or stir-fries,
also "Rhoihessisch als Fremdspraach", while the open fireplace and the family atmosphere invite you to linger - "just like it is". Thanks to the large, in-house wine selection for all tastes there is something suitable - and should you need a recommendation, the family Frey is always up for a chat around the wine and life!
Hot food: see opening times
Main courses: 7,00 - 9,50 Euro
Open Rheinhessen wines: 25
Seats: inside 50 | closed society possible | separate room 20
Dates: Summer party 3 - 5 August, further see website