Waldthausen Castle, a masterpiece of architecture in the heart of the Lenneberg Forest near Mainz, tells the story of a visionary builder, Martin Wilhelm von Waldthausen. Amidst a 95-hectare area acquired by the municipality of Budenheim in 1908, the magnificent villa was constructed in 1910. The architectural design, implemented by Hans Bühling, was inspired by Staufen palace buildings and continues to shape the property to this day.
The castle, in all its splendor, is surrounded by an extensive park and terraced gardens once designed by various nurseries. The tower, reminiscent of a square keep, crowns the building, giving it a majestic silhouette. The interior of the castle bears witness to opulent luxury and showcases the craftsmanship finesse of the time. Local craftsmen in Mainz and Rheinhessen benefited from the construction work, contributing to the detailed furnishings.
The construction of Waldthausen Castle served not only a representative purpose but also as an expression of Martin Wilhelm von Waldthausen's ambitions in the context of the castle projects of German Emperor Wilhelm II. The total costs for the property amounted to an exceptionally high sum of 18 million marks for the time.
Today, Waldthausen Castle invites visitors to stroll amidst its historic walls and explore the expansive park. The adjacent Lenneberg Forest also offers hiking trails, including the "Little Mainz Heights Trail" maintained by the DAV Mainz Section. A walk through the vineyards, fields, and forests of the surroundings reveals the picturesque beauty of Mainz and Rheinhessen. Waldthausen Castle stands as an impressive testament to bygone eras, embodying the symbiosis of history and nature in a striking manner.

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Contact details:

Schloss Waldthausen

Im Wald 1 a

55257 Budenheim

Contact details:

Schloss Waldthausen

Im Wald 1 a

55257 Budenheim