Anyone who grew up with D-Mark has fulfilled one or two wishes with it: Sebastian Münster, the man from the blue hundred.

The monument to the city's most famous son stands in front of the Remigius Church. Sebastian Münster was born in Ingelheim in 1488, probably in a nearby hospital that his father ran. As a teenager, Ingelheim left Münster and went to Heidelberg to study Franciscans. He became a polymath and humanist, professor and head of the University of Basel. His greatest legacy was the Cosmographia, an almanac with the knowledge of the world in 17 volumes.

Today a bronze monument from 1988 by the artist Karlheinz Oswald stands in front of the Remigius Church made of bronze plates with images of the Cosmographia. The museum at the Imperial Palace has a permanent exhibition on the life of Sebastian Münster.

Permanent exhibition in the museum near the imperial palace