For those who enjoy solving puzzles and exploring cities in teams, "City&Quest" is an exciting, creative way to discover the city of the Nibelungs. Visitors can choose between a German or English version of the game. The game starts at the cathedral. From there, the approximately 3 km long route leads to 11 more puzzle stations worth seeing - most in the middle of the city centre, some a little outside.

The tour takes about 2.5 hours on foot. With the help of the mobile phone's GPS function and a free app, you can find your way around the city. "City&Quest" can be played by a team of max. 10 people or by several teams at the same time as a "competition". The goal is to reach as many stations as possible and solve the puzzles on the spot. A charming side effect is that you get to know the sights and special features of the Nibelungen city "along the way". But the search for clues is not only interesting for tourists: the city quiz also takes Worms residents to hidden places and little-known locations.

"City&Quest" is an experience for the whole family and especially suitable as a programme for a company outing or the next visit of relatives and friends. Book online and get started The game equipment for the City&Quest game is available for a deposit at the Tourist Information and at the Rheinhessen Youth Hostel during opening hours. A chargeable online reservation is always necessary in advance. Once this has been done, the equipment can be collected there on the day booked.

Stadträtsel "City & Quest" Worms