On a terrain between Stiegelgasse and Jungfernpfad which is now settled again, there was the synagogue, built in 1841 as “a nice copy of oriental style” .The entrance was in Stielgelgasse. Crossing a small garden, the gate was reached. A side door led to the female emporium, another to the emplacement of the choir, where the organ was also situated. The main hall had 10-12 rows with 5 to 6 seats each on both sides. The Torah case was at the end of the hall on an elevated place. There both reading and the sermon took place. The rabbi lived on the upper floor.

On the morning of 10 November 1938 it was desecrated during the dreadful events of the ”Pogromnacht” and nearly completely destroyed with picks and axes. The organised attacks did not spare the property, freedom and later the lives of the Jewish citizens.

In 1992 the German-Israeli circle of friends erected a rough concrete stylus on the site as a monument which was created by the pupils of the Sebastian Münster gymnasium (grammar school). The pierced surface of the stele symbolises traces of injury. The dates on the brass plate remind people of the suffering and the fate of the shattered Jewish congregation in Ingelheim during the holocaust.

Synagogue Square
Synagogue Square Memorial plaque
Synagogue Square Column
Synagogue Square Memorial plaque