The Ohrenbrücker Gate/Engelthal Convent

The two flanking towers of the gate Ohrenbrücker Tor with their rounded-arch decoration, first mentioned in 1381 and leading in the direction of Westerberg/Rheinweg, are particularly well preserved. The pointed gateway and the consoles, reminding of a pitch spout, were reconstructed only in 1964.

To cross the Selz, in this sector very swampy, the main traffic had to pass a ford, while pedestrians could use a small bridge. (Obere Brücke). Since 1908 the street passes outside the gate.

Slightly towards the south-east of the gate (Edelgasse 15), there was the Cistercian nun convent Engelthal, founded in the 13th century for daughters of aristocracy. Until 1573 it was a huge and rich branch of the convent in Eberbach (Rheingau). In the course of the reformation the convent was abandoned: The estate came into Kurpfalz possession in 1573and was rented out as a farmstead. The current estate, dating from 18th/19th century, still displays elements of the convent and village defences in its outlay.

Here on the Selz the convent owned one of the oldest mills in Ingelheim, the “Engelthaler Mühle” first recorded in 1401. The aligned buildings between the present living quarters and the Oberbrückentor, were only demolished in1908 as a result of road building.

Ohrenbrücker Gate
Ohrenbrücker Tor in the evening 1
Ohrenbrücker Tor in the evening