Totes-Meer-Salzgrotte Familie

Breathe healthily in the Dead Sea salt grotto

The Dead Sea is just around the corner – or at least 17.5 tonnes of salt from the Dead Sea in Jordan are. 12,000 bricks formed from 100% pure Dead Sea salt (and nothing else) were used to build the sea salt grotto which is linked to Bad Kreuznach’s thermal baths, the ‘Crucenia Thermen’.
The warm, dry air in the grotto contains 21 minerals, half of which do not occur in Europe, which make an inhalation session in meditation light a healthy and pleasurable experience.

Pure ionised air in the Bad Kreuznach salt grotto in combination with relaxing music and gentle lighting boosts your general health. The air in the Dead Sea salt grotto benefits those suffering from lung, bronchial, heart and vascular diseases; digestive problems; skin diseases; dysfunction of the vegetative nervous system; psychosomatic disorders; stress and allergies.

The natural therapy and the atmosphere in the grotto are also popular with families with children, especially children suffering from respiratory diseases. For this reason, the centre has created two separate grottos with a waiting room to allow both adults in search of absolute quiet and families with children to enjoy this unique microclimate. The family grotto has play facilities.