Mode of operation: gourmet restaurant
Cuisine: seasonal, regional, good for allergy sufferers

The LANDHAUS, the Rhine Hessian table delights in comfortable modern premises amidst the Osthofen vineyards. The kitchen team of Wolfgang Dubs cooks modern regional cuisine based on fresh ingredients, inspired by the Rhine-Hessian landscape, the change of seasons and the local products. In the Rheinhessen Vinothek you will find a comprehensive range of the top wine estates in our region. And those who are not lucky enough to live in Rheinhessen can buy bottled wines for their own home.

Hot food: see opening times
Main courses: 11.00 - 34.00 Euro
Open Rheinhessen wines: 37
Seats: inside 60 | outside 60 | closed society possible

Dates: see website

Landhaus Dubs