The Wartbergturm was officially registered for the first time in 1420. It is the landmark of Alzey and has served for military purposes over the centuries. The tower was destroyed during a bomb attack on the 08.01.1945. The town was saved from the bomb attack because the enemy off-loaded all the bombs on the Wartbergturm due to a navigational error. Today the Wartbergturm is recognized as the "Saviour" of Alzey by the people of the town. After 1945 a reconstruction of the tower took place as a thank-you gesture but, unfortunately, it was not strong enough to withstand the strength of a terrible storm. The Wartbergturm was then rebuilt, on the same spot, in a modern form. The landmark of the town serves as a viewing tower which offers magnificent views over the town of Alzey and the picturesque countryside of Rhinehessen and the Palatinate.

Wartbergturm im Winter
Wartberturm 2