Weinbergsrundfahrt und Ortsführung durch Ludwigshöhe

Ludwigshöhe is nearly exactly based in  the middle between Mainz and Worms. Get to know the small place during a vineyard round trip or a guided tour and learn how Rudelsheim became the Ludwigshöhe.

Tours are possible on request to the mayor.


Contact details:

Ortsgemeinde Ludwigshöhe

Hartmut Zimmermann

Kirchstr. 19

55278 Ludwigshöhe

Tel: (0049) 170 3893118
E-Mail: zimmermann.hartmut@web.de

Contact details:

Ortsgemeinde Ludwigshöhe

Kirchstr. 19

55278 Ludwigshöhe

Tel: (0049) 170 3893118
E-Mail: zimmermann.hartmut@web.de