
Bingen am Rhein

Basilika St. Martin

Grave stones prove that there was already a Christian community in Bingen in the 5th or 6th century. Probably in Franconian times, the parish church was dedicated to St. Martin. Since 1006 St. Martin is also occupied as a collegiate church, at the twelve clergy under the direction of a Probstes their service provided. Only the crypt under the choir and the southwest tower testifies of the Romanesque church building. After this the great city fire of 1403, the current nave was first rebuilt. Only later arose the aisles, the northern but…




Gutenbergplatz is named after Johannes Gutenberg, probably the most famous son of Mainz. From a sociological, historic building, and city planning point of view, it is the most important square of the city and recognised as a heritage site.



Rathaus Saulheim

The town hall is two-storeyed, built of small field and quarry stones, which were quarried in the Gewann Steinkaut, called " Steinstück " in earlier centuries. The corners are made of house stones. The round tower attached to the building in the Renaissance style makes it possible to use the upper rooms of the town hall inside completely, as can be seen in many former noble houses in the 16th and 17th centuries. These rooms are reached via a beautiful stone spiral staircase in the staircase of the round tower. On the broad side of the…

Blick auf den Untertorturm von Westen


Untertorturm an der Fleckenmauer Flörsheim-Dalsheim

The Untertorturm is one of the seven towers of the Fleckenmauer wall built in the 15th century for protection. The gate, which was knocked down in 1840, was previously operated day and night. The battlements led around the tower over the gate to the other side of the street. Until the renovation in 1989, the high entrance in the west was the only access to the three-storey watchtower. Among other things, the tower served as a guardroom and probably also as the guard's flat. Text according to the signs on the tower with the kind permission of…