Imperial Palace APP

Ingelheim am Rhein

Kaiserpfalz Ingelheim - Imperial Palace APP

Multimedia offer guides you through the imperial palace of Ingelheim!      The Kaiserpfalz App is available free of charge at Google Play and in the AppStore (to be found under the keyword "Kaiserpfalz Ingelheim"). The app supplements the signage and accompanying booklet with a digital guide through the Kaiserpfalz region, which provides audio texts and picture galleries, among other things. Thus, the Kaiserpfalz can be experienced digitally at any place and at any time.

Kirche und Kloster St. Paulaus von außen


Kirche St. Paulus. Dominikanerkloster und Heidenturmkirche

The monastery and convent of St. Paulus, built from 1002 onwards, is located in the centre of Worms and is a place of peace and quiet in this lively city. The collegiate church was originally built as a three-nave Romanesque pillar basilica, and the stone dome helmets of the two pagan towers give the church its special appearance. Unlike other collegiate churches, the choir is closed on five sides in good late Romanesque forms. The west building has an octagonal dome (13th century) and is flanked by two older stone-covered round towers…

Ev Johanneskirche außen

Bad Münster am Stein - Ebernbu

Evangelische Kirche, Alte Johanneskirche

Surrounded by shady trees, the cemetery of the Ebernburg district is home to the oldest preserved church and at the same time the oldest preserved building in the city: the Protestant Old Church of St. John. Its location between the castle hill of the Ebernburg and the Nahe river with a view of the mighty Rotefelsmassiv gives the place a special charm. The fortified church served as part of the town wall. The massive tower on a square ground plan with the pyramid roof and embrasures is a commemoration of this. It has a height of 20 metres.…

Digital reconstruction of the north wing


North wing - exterior façade

The demolition of dilapidated buildings in 2011 enabled archaeologists to examine the the now exposed façade of the north wing. This was built during the Carolingian foundation phase of the Ingelheim Palatinate. The 60 metres long and eleven metres deep, it was possibly used as a residential wing. metres deep, was possibly used as a residential wing. Today, the renovated façade of the north wing can be seen in the monument area. can be visited. Two arch embrasures in the wall date from the 12th century, when the palace was…




In 2003, the square in the center was newly created. Eye catcher of the place is the well. The water bubbles here from a large hewn sandstone, which stands under a shady chestnut.

Aussicht Roter Hang mit Kilianskirche


Stadtführung Nierstein

Get to know Nierstein, the wine city next to the Rhine river at the 'Roter Hang'. All of this during a guided city tour which explains the history of Nierstein and describes the destination of the biggest winegrowing city next to the Rhine. bookable from five persons costs: 50,00 EUR duration: 90 minutes