Pulverturm Westhofen


Pulverturm mit alter Wehrmauer

The former fortification was first mentioned in 1354 and consisted of a tower-reinforced wall, six fortified gates, ditches and a rampart. The battlements (Letzen) formerly moved the entire patch. Remains of the wall can still be seen in the street "An der Letze", which bears various inscriptions about destruction and reconstruction, and there is also the Powder Tower, the last preserved tower.


Ingelheim am Rhein

Gustav Adolf Church

At the beginning of the 20th century, the up-and-coming fishing village of Frei-Weinheim needed a larger Protestant church.   It was inaugurated in 1910: the Gustav Adolf Church. Until 1958 Frei-Weinheim was a branch of the castle church in Ober-Ingelheim. Then the parish joined forces with Gau-Algesheim and became independent. In 1964 a new Reconciliation Church was put into service, suddenly the Gustav Adolf parish had two churches. In the same spring, however, the parish offices of Frei-Weinheim and West separated. In 1973 the…

Garrison Museum


Garnisonsmuseum in der Zitadelle

The museum houses an impressive collection of uniforms, photographs, documents, and reserves associated with the garrison of Mainz. Visitors can also see a beautiful model of the former fortifications of Mainz. All exhibits are part of the private collection of Wolfgang Balzer who also acts as the curator. The "Museale Magazin der Festung und Garnison Mainz", to give it its full name, is open to all visitors by appointment (at the moment, the collection is changing locations and cannot be seen). Wolfgang Balzer personally guides…

Digital leadership

Ingelheim am Rhein

Digital tour: five extraordinary empresses of the Middle Ages

Digital tour, developed in a cooperation between the Research Center Kaiserpfalz Ingelheim and the Museum bei der Kaiserpfalz, which you can view on YouTube . It is led by Miriam Maslowski, historian and art historian (Museum bei der Kaiserpfalz). She introduces a number of outstanding women personalities of the High Middle Ages: They were all rulers who had an amazing wealth of power and even directed the fortunes of the Holy Roman Empire for a certain time. There is also evidence that all five empresses stayed in the imperial palace in…




Entering through the red sandstone portal, visitors are brought through a modern glass-faced entrance area into a beautiful church with a magnificent Rococo interior. St. Augustine's is situated in the heart of the city centre. It suffered only minor damage during the Second World War and is therefore one of the few churches in the region still featuring a virtually intact interior from the period of construction. From 1260 to 1802, the mendicant order of Augustinian Hermits had a monastery at Augustinerstrasse. Between 1768 and 1772, a new…