

Rathaus Monsheim

The town hall was built in 1832. In exchange for another site, the municipality of Monsheim received the building and the land from the Möllinger family. From then on, the house served as the town hall, and later the kitchen, the milk collection point and the fire brigade were also housed here. Today, meetings of the local council are held here, as well as the office hours of the local mayor. Text taken from Tour of Monsheim with kind permission.

Unterhaus Mainz


Unterhaus - Mainzer Forum-Theater

The Unterhaus Forum Theatre in Mainz is among the best known small stages in Germany. It is the venue of the annual Deutsche Kleinkunstpreis award ceremony for fringe productions and offers a programme covering satirical reviews, intimate plays, and comedy performances. There is also a programme for children. Satirical revue is like a match: if there is no friction, there is no flame. (Werner Finck)

Napoleons Telegraf


Napoleons Telegraf in Stadecken-Elsheim

Non-historical replica of the 21st (penultimate) telegraph station, which was built in 1813 between Elsheim, Schwabenheim and Wackernheim to close the network of the then new telegraph between Metz and the then French city of Mainz. Reconstruction in 2016 and supported with LEADER funds. Contribution of the local community of Stadecken-Elsheim to the 200th anniversary of Rheinhessen. Text provided by the local community of Stadecken-Elsheim.

Town hall Wackernheim


Town hall Wackernheim

On the site of today's town hall, there was already a Scheffenhaus with extensions in 1394, which shaped the local history for centuries: The ensemble housed the local court with Betzenstube for wrongdoers and a smithy. The new town hall, built in 1832, was an emergency shelter, doctor's office and school after the Second World War and served as a fire station and community bakery until the 1970s.

© Stefan Stumpf


Historischer Ortsrundgang Spiesheim

We invite you to take a tour of our community - right in the heart of Rheinhessen. Visit special places from Spiesheim's history and learn more at the respective locations. "Spizisheim" was first mentioned in a document by the Lorsch Monastery in 770. Traces of settlement date back to the Late Latène period (500-50 BC).

© Gottschlich


Church Gau-Weinheim

The church dates from 1863 and is a simple rubble stone building with a rectangular base running east to west. Access to the east leads through a park-like forecourt. The path is lined with a few linden trees that accommodate the community every summer for the "Kirchgartenfest - Unter den Linden". The slate-covered gable roof has small dormer windows on each side. The side walls are each adorned with four stained glass windows that extend over two floors. A few steps lead to the inside of the church. In the center is the magnificent organ…