Stadecker Warte


Stadecker Warte

The Stadecker Warte was built in 1930 to stir pest control broth. Later it was extended and served as an observation post from which detonations were triggered by a firing range to drive away the flocks of starlings that had invaded the vineyards.

Monument Aula Regia - former throne room


Aula regia / throne hall

The Aula regia, the throne hall of the Ingelheim imperial palace, was built at the end of the 8th century and is part of the founding building under Karl the great (747 / 48−814). The throne hall was the most important public building and served as a representative meeting place. This shows also on the basis of their high-quality building equipment, the remains of which were found during archaeological excavations. Parts of the from antiquity Inspired building jewelry, including fragments of the wall paintings and the precious…

Kirschbluete im Schlosspark

Bad Kreuznach


For centuries there has been a large country estate just outside the medieval town wall of Bad Kreuznach - today it is a romantic tree garden, which was created in the 19th century as a landscape park. The pond in the park dates back to the 18th century, when a moated castle stood here. Over the years, however, the park was repeatedly redesigned by its changing owners. Today, the Schlosspark Museum is located in the middle of the park, which together with the pond forms an aesthetic unit that in itself is worth visiting.

Muttergottes im Seitenaltar


Katholische Pfarrkirche St. Remigius

The church is the oldest building in the town. There was originally a wooden basilica here, which was mentioned as early as the 9th century, followed by a stone building from the 13th century. The choir with sacristy visible today dates from 1492 and the tower was built around 1520 as a defensive tower. The nave was expanded into three naves in 1911 based on Gothic styles.

Heinrich Ordenstein


Geburtshaus von Heinrich Ordenstein

Members of the Ordenstein family lived in Offstein from 1816 to 1861. Moritz Ordenstein married Johanna Scheuer from Kriegsheim in 1835. He is described in the personal documents as a "merchant". They had two children, daughter Elisabeth, who died only two days after birth in 1854. Son Heinrich was born on 7.01.1856. Moritz sold the Offstein property to Georg Andres l., and it was used for agriculture until about 1965. In 1861 the family moved to Martinsgasse 9 in Worms. Heinrich went to school in Worms and came into contact with music…