Synagogue Square


Synagogenplatz (Synagogue Square)

On a terrain between Stiegelgasse and Jungfernpfad which is now settled again, there was the synagogue, built in 1841 as “a nice copy of oriental style” .The entrance was in Stielgelgasse. Crossing a small garden, the gate was reached. A side door led to the female emporium, another to the emplacement of the choir, where the organ was also situated. The main hall had 10-12 rows with 5 to 6 seats each on both sides. The Torah case was at the end of the hall on an elevated place. There both reading and the sermon took place. The…

St. Antony's: vaulted ceiling


St. Antonius, ehem. Armklarenkirche

The only part remaining from the original church built in 1330 by the Order of St. Antony is the impressive chancel. Together with the Carmelite Church and the Church of the Rich Clares, it is one of only three remaining monastic churches going back to the Gothic period. From 1620 to the time of secularisation in 1802, it was the church of the adjacent monastery of the Poor Clares. The single-nave church features a complete cycle of wall murals from the original building, the only such work preserved in Mainz. The paintings were exposed and…

Heinrich Ordenstein


Geburtshaus von Heinrich Ordenstein

Members of the Ordenstein family lived in Offstein from 1816 to 1861. Moritz Ordenstein married Johanna Scheuer from Kriegsheim in 1835. He is described in the personal documents as a "merchant". They had two children, daughter Elisabeth, who died only two days after birth in 1854. Son Heinrich was born on 7.01.1856. Moritz sold the Offstein property to Georg Andres l., and it was used for agriculture until about 1965. In 1861 the family moved to Martinsgasse 9 in Worms. Heinrich went to school in Worms and came into contact with music…

Bild Cauerhaus

Bad Kreuznach


The Cauer Society, founded in December 1995, initially renovated primarily the studio and residence of the Cauer family. Since 2002, the rooms on the lower floor of the house have been open to visitors, with changing exhibitions. Since 2013, the Cauer House Foundation has been established under the umbrella of the German Foundation for Monument Protection. The goal of the Cauer Society is to preserve the heritage of all Cauer artists and present it to interested visitors in the museum-like Cauer House. Cauer House: Reminiscence of the Cauer…