


The Saubach is the name giver for the Saubach valley. It was extensively renaturalised in 2017 and now offers an ideal retreat for endangered animals and plants thanks to several ponds. At the most beautiful spot in the Saubach Valley, a bench and a resting place invite you to linger.

Galle Blick 2



  Gallé view   Before the family Gallé acquired the Heisje, it was almost completely dilapidated. Since then it has been restored and lovingly kept in good condition. Above the door is the family crest of the Gallés with the year 1988. The recessed canopy should represent the shape of a barrel. Height: 186 District: "Am Hinkelstein" History / Stories / Anecdotes: The Heisje had almost completely decayed and was lovingly restored by the Wingut Gallé. The family keeps it in shape and…

Pulverturm Westhofen


Pulverturm mit alter Wehrmauer

The former fortification was first mentioned in 1354 and consisted of a tower-reinforced wall, six fortified gates, ditches and a rampart. The battlements (Letzen) formerly moved the entire patch. Remains of the wall can still be seen in the street "An der Letze", which bears various inscriptions about destruction and reconstruction, and there is also the Powder Tower, the last preserved tower.

Aussichtspunkt Gans

Bad Kreuznach

Aussichtspunkt Gans

Shaped from fire and water: The Goose Rock Formation From the Salinental, one looks eastwards to a rock formation that looks like a huge slagheap. This was given its name in Celtic times: "Ganda", i.e. steep slope with rock debris. Elementary forces have shaped the goose. 280 million years ago, magma came to the surface from the earth's interior, solidified and formed a rock massif to which both Rotenfels and Rheingrafenstein belong. The Nahe - Celtic "Nawa" - carved its way into this rock and dug its way deeper and deeper into it. This is…

Ehemalige Amtsgericht in Ober-Ingelheim


Former Amtsgericht (local court)

The neighbouring earlier Hessen Amtsgericht is a neo baroque complex, whose 3 wings encase a courtyard open to the south. This palace-like estate was built between 1907 and 1909, according to plans of the Hessisches Hochbauamt Darmstadt. The facade of the main building is dominated by a triangular gable. An open stair leds to an admirably rounded portal guarded by pillars above which a coat of arms with the inscription “Hessisches Amtsgericht” is preserved. At the end of the 20th century these premises were sold by the state…

Alter Jüdischer Friedhof

Mainz am Rhein

Alter Jüdischer Friedhof Mainz "Judensand"

The mediaeval cemetery »Judensand« on Mombacher Strasse has largely been preserved. However, expulsions of the Jews repeatedly led to evictions and remodeling of the "Eternal Place" and thus to serious losses of gravestones. Since the 1860s, important Jewish gravestones have repeatedly come to light during construction work in Mainz. Outstanding gravestones were combined in 1926 by the rabbis Levi and Salfeld to form a memorial cemetery in order to make the heritage visible from afar and to underline our own location in Magenza…

Castle and Prauenmühle


Castle and Praumen Mill

The Schlossmühle in Heidesheim is now privately owned and a listed building. The enclosed manorial estate from the 13th century is located on the south-western outskirts of Heidesheim. The property also includes a millrace. The mill in the main building was converted into living quarters in the 1920s.