

Rathaus Monsheim

The town hall was built in 1832. In exchange for another site, the municipality of Monsheim received the building and the land from the Möllinger family. From then on, the house served as the town hall, and later the kitchen, the milk collection point and the fire brigade were also housed here. Today, meetings of the local council are held here, as well as the office hours of the local mayor. Text taken from Tour of Monsheim with kind permission.

Cenotaph of Drusus



There is an air of reverence and mysticism about the Roman castle of Mainz. Soldiers in battle gear walk around a huge bonfire, placing weapons and gifts at its feet. Laments fill the air, and the fire throws eerie shadows onto a cenotaph ... We can only guess what the elaborate annual memorial services held in Roman times in honour of general Drusus entailed. All that has remained of his cenotaph is a 20 m high masonry block on the grounds of the citadel of Mainz. Nero Claudius Drusus was a step son of Emperor Augustus. In 13 BCE, Augustus…

Blick in Richtung Bingen und Burg Klopp

Bingen am Rhein

William Turner - Standort 23

Bingen, on the Nahe; Looking towards Bingen and Burg Klopp On the evening of 25th August 1817, before reaching the landing stages on the Rhine from where he is to continue his journey by boat, Turner stops to sketch at the bridge over the River Nahe. The final watercolour shows parts of the town of Bingen watched over by Burg Klopp, with Burg Ehrenfels in the distance. The Drusus Bridge is depicted in the foreground and behind it, not far away, the Nahe flows into the Rhine. In this painting Turner produces a successful contrast…

Digital reconstruction of the north wing


North wing - exterior façade

The demolition of dilapidated buildings in 2011 enabled archaeologists to examine the the now exposed façade of the north wing. This was built during the Carolingian foundation phase of the Ingelheim Palatinate. The 60 metres long and eleven metres deep, it was possibly used as a residential wing. metres deep, was possibly used as a residential wing. Today, the renovated façade of the north wing can be seen in the monument area. can be visited. Two arch embrasures in the wall date from the 12th century, when the palace was…

Kath. Kirche St. Peter und Paul OT Dalsheim


Katholische Kirche St. Peter & Paul im Ortsteil Dalsheim

In the 11th/12th century, the parish was assigned to the diocese of Worms. The construction of the bell tower in Romanesque style, which has been preserved to this day, probably dates from this period. in the Romanesque style probably dates from this period. In the late 18th century, the church was extensively rebuilt. 1699-1705 Used simultaneously by Catholics and Reformed. 1706 Handed over to the Catholic parish. At the end of the 19th century, the bell tower was added and rebuilt on its present site. The silent organ still preserved…

Muttergottes im Seitenaltar


Katholische Pfarrkirche St. Remigius

The church is the oldest building in the town. There was originally a wooden basilica here, which was mentioned as early as the 9th century, followed by a stone building from the 13th century. The choir with sacristy visible today dates from 1492 and the tower was built around 1520 as a defensive tower. The nave was expanded into three naves in 1911 based on Gothic styles.

Infotafel und Grenzstein



The well-preserved boundary stones still in good condition today marked the historical border between Rheinhessen and the former Bavarian Electoral Palatinate. An information board with a rest area informs about everything worth knowing.

Außenansicht Stadtmuseum


City Museum Oppenheim

The Oppenheim Town Museum offers a tour through the rich and eventful history of the town - from prehistory to the end of the Second World War. It is the perfect complement to a visit with or without a tour guide. The first floor displays finds and historical information from Roman times to the 17th century. Further information: www.oppenheimer-geschichtsverein.de Admission is free!