Historisches Rathaus von Bodenheim


Historic town hall of Bodenheim

The town hall in Bodenheim is a typical example of the Franconian-Hessian half-timbered construction style of the Renaissance around 1600 and is considered one of the most beautiful half-timbered houses in Rheinhessen. The renovation was completed in 2023; it now shines in new splendour in the old town centre of the wine-growing community of Bodenheim. It was built in 1608 under the then lord of the village, Provost Anton Walpot von Bassenheim, as a new courthouse for the Mainz Knights' Abbey of St Alban. In the bay window, we recognise the…

Gottesdienst in der Dreifaltigkeitskirche


Dreifaltigkeitskirche Worms

The Trinity Church on Worms' market square is a "Reformation Memorial Church" that recalls the beginnings of the Reformation in Worms. The foundation stone was laid on 31 July 1709 and the church was consecrated sixteen years later. Largely destroyed during the nights of bombing in February and March 1945, it was rebuilt by Bauhaus architect Otto Bartning from 1955 to 1959. In the top of the tower there is a carillon that plays songs from the Protestant hymnal that are appropriate for the church year. Wilhelm Buschschulte created biblical…

Gutenberg Monument



An over-life-size bronze statue of Johannes Gutenberg adorns the square that bears his name. The statue is based on a model by the Danish sculptor Berthel Thorvaldsen. Fully restored in 2010, the monument depicts the famous inventor of movable type. As we do not have a contemporary portrait of Gutenberg, the statue is of an idealised scholar of his time – bearded, well dressed and carrying a bible and a printing plate. When the monument was first unveiled in 1837, the people of Mainz celebrated for three full days. Even today, the area…

Tisch des Weins Hiwweltour Heideblick



This vantage point offers a beautiful panoramic view that extends far over the hilly landscape of Rhine-Hesse. There is also a table of wine here. These tables are real Rhine-Hessian resting places. With their length of five metres, they also offer larger groups the ideal opportunity to take a break together. The table of the wine at the Hiwweltour Heideblick is located in the vineyard "Golden Horn" in the district of Siefersheim. Dominant are loess soils. One finds here and there also volcanic stone.

Biotop Rohrwiesen


Biotop Rohrwiesen

The Rohrwiesen biotope can be seen from far away on the Hiwweltour Zornheimer Berg. The many species in the biotope welcome hikers with an intensive natural background noise, which only decreases when the Hiwweltour passes into the vineyards.