Schloss Alzey


Alzey Castle

The building complex, constructed in the 13th century, was the nucleus of the Rhenish Palsgraviate and secondary residence and headquarters of the district administration. The castle of Alzey was a favoured place of residence for the Palsgraves during the time of both Ruprechten, Ruprecht ll. and Ruprecht lll. who was King Ruprecht I. of Germany from 1400 - 1410.…

Orgel ev. Kirche Wörrstadt


church Woerrstadt

Die heutige ehemalige Laurentiuskirche wurde 1152 als „Wehrkirche“ erwähnt. Es war eine romanische dreischiffige Pfeilerbasilika. Offensichtlich gab es bereits im 8. Jahrhundert schon eine kleinere Kirche. 1226 wurde das Gotteshaus spätgotisch umgebaut. Das Langhaus stammt aus dem 15. Jahrhundert, die nachgotischen Seitenschiffe Anfang 17. Jahrhunderts. Romanische Elemente im Chor, Rundbögen, Säulen und Türdurchgängen sind noch zu sehen. Sehenswert sind das riesige alte Steinkreuz mit Christusfigur…

Eingang Bistrorante


Bistrorante La Piazza

You will find the Bistrorante La Piazza directly on the historic market square in beautiful Oppenheim am Rhein. In summer, the terrace invites you to spend an enjoyable moment with a view of the picturesque old town and St. Catherine's Church. The illuminated St. Catherine's Church offers a very special atmosphere, especially in the evening. Enjoy a plate of antipasti and a glass of Riesling or St. Laurent. The menu offers a selection of dishes from traditional Italian cuisine, as well as wines from Oppenheim winegrowers and from Italy. There…

Denkmalgeschützte Hofanlage Bornstraße

Ingelheim am Rhein

Denkmalgeschützte Hofanlage

The building fabric of the property largely dates from the middle of the 19th century. The massive brick ground floor and the half-timbered upper floor of the residential building are typical for the location. This house comprised six living rooms. The outbuildings were built exclusively of rubble stone. The courtyard is accessed via the gateway with large wooden wings. The owner of the building at that time was Nikolaus Kloos, a municipal collector. In 1849 he replaced Johann Heinrich Klippel in office as the first democratically minded…

Old power station


Old power plant

The edifice was completed in 1906 in art nouveau stile by the mason Jean Gemünden. It’s composed from an engine hall and a westward added living quarter for the keeper (machinist). The facade is structured by high windows with sprout frames. The living quarter is in „Landhaus“–style with framework and an elegant helmeted roof. This old power plant is a proof of the economical prosperity of Ober-Ingelheim in the early 20th century. Until 1945 two Diesel engines with a total of 100 HP (horsepower) powered the DC…

Evangelische Kirche


Evangelische Kirche Hangen-Weisheim

  The tower built around the year 1000 and the old mute organ from 1784, together with the beautiful window painting and a winged altar, offer a successful cross-section through various eras. During the Thirty Years' War and also in the Palatinate War of Succession, the church, which was considered the main fortification of the village, was severely damaged and partially destroyed. In 1706 it was awarded to the Protestants, which they renewed in 1725 with a flat ceiling. Even after several renovations, the entire complex of today's…