

GUT LEBEN am Morstein

An extraordinary event location in the vault of a listed winery.  You should have seen this place in the geographic heart of Rhinehesse. Cabaret, comedy, readings, classic and jazz concerts and chanson evenings and always a thrilled audience. Who wants to can eat fancy in the castle before the event or can sleep in the hotel room of the old half- timbbered house afterwards.

Map of the Kaiserpfalz Historical Circular Trail



At this location there is a well shaft, which was under an asphalt surface until 2012. In the course of the urban redevelopment the Saalbrunnen fountain became part of the townscape again. Today, travertine blocks mark its location. The location of the Saalbrunnen is particularly interesting: it is located exactly at the intersection of the longitudinal and transverse axes of the Carolingian core- and building development. The location of the Saalbrunnen thus marked the centre of the palace complex around 800. The symmetrical arrangement…



Naturdenkmal Rosskastanie Ockenheim

The horse chestnut tree in the Ockenheim cemetery is now over 370 years old. Probably planted in 1648, the chestnut has a trunk circumference of 5m and a crown diameter of 25m. The Ockenheim chestnut is the oldest horse chestnut in Rheinhessen and probably one of the oldest chestnuts in Germany.




The andesite quarries are old volcanic rocks. There are small round inclusions in the rocks of the stone edge, so-called almond stones, which are usually filled with chlorite or calcite.

Startpunkt Haxthäuser Hof Nierstein


KulTOUR historisches Nierstein - Tour 1

On the KulTOUR around the Nierstein market square, you can expect exciting stories about Nierstein's noble courtyards, underground secret passages and the old village smithy. The tour starts at the Haxthäuser Hof in Langgasse 35. All you need for this tour is a smartphone with a QR code scanner. Each building on the tour has a QR code with interesting facts behind it. A total of 16 stations invite you to get to know Nierstein better on your own. After the tour, you can stop off at one of the restaurants around the market square or start…