Der weiße Stein


Der weiße Stein

  The 2.5 m high Menhir is probably from the Neolithic period (about 400 to 1700 BC). The menhir was discovered in 1927 during clearing work on the southeast slope of a survey at Dittelsheim-Hessloch on the "Am Weißstein" at a depth of 80 cm and 100 m away from it erected again. Here he was probably buried in the late Middle Ages, but his name had been preserved as a field name. Whether he originally, as also many other menhirs, used as a landmark, is unclear. It has a height of 210 cm, a width of 145 cm and a depth of 80 cm.…

Historischer Rundgang Saulheim


Historischer Rundgang Saulheim

The historical tour of the medieval centre of Nieder-Saulheim offers a very interesting insight into the village's history, which goes back more than 1250 years. A large number of historic buildings, all equipped with detailed information boards, bring to life the eventful past in the heart of Rhine-Hesse.



Expedition Weinberg

A guided tour through the vineyarrds in Mommenheim with explanations about flora and fauna, history and current events and of course about everything interesting around the topic wine.



The Historical Museum on the River

With the Hildegard jubilee in 1998, the Historical Museum on the River - Hildegard von Bingen, the former electricity generating station on the bank of the Rhine River, opened its doors. There is a large department dedicated to Hildegard, the universal scholar and theologist. The museum offers something very special: a complete set of surgical instruments from the Roman days, discovered during renovation work in Bingen. A further department focuses on the Rhine Romantic epoch. In a unique way, the 200-year epoch is illustrated using, among…

Paläo Museum Nierstein Gebäude


Paläontologisches Museum Nierstein

The palaentologic museum in Nierstein shows geological findings from all over Europe. The evolution of the living world can be seen in its developent over millions of years to the modern times during a visit in the museum. The fossil collection is reallly diverse: more than 1000 exhibits from all over Europe are shown, the oldest are 500 million years old, including several new discoveries and singke findings. Kids have a table with fossil shark teeth.

Halle 45


Halle 45

  Where steel and industry meet for event - Hall 45, formerly Phoenix Hall, impresses with a unique atmosphere that gets under your skin. The original industrial charm from its time as a wagon factory has been preserved over the decades and, after extensive refurbishment and modernization in 2015, is even more effective. As one of the largest halls in the Rhine-Main area, it is both a concert hall and a cultural and comedy location and offers an exciting, varied program 365 days a year.  

Guided tour through Ober-Ingelheim


Uffhubtor (Uffhub Gate)

The best-preserved gate of the former town fortifications, first mentioned in 1401, once formed the eastern exit to Wackernheim and Mainz in Aufhofstraße - known as Uffhub in local dialect. The complex is characterised by a pointed arched gate and round oriel above console friezes. Parts of a pitch nose and key embrasures have been preserved, as have the deep mortises of the former wooden gate wings.

Alte Mistkaut am RheinTerrassenWeg


Old Dung Cautery on the RhineTerracesWeg

The so-called "Mistkaut" between Nierstein and Nackenheim in the middle of the vineyards on the "Roten Hang", is located directly on the "RheinTerrassenWeg" and the "Butttenmännie-Wanderweg". The relic of earlier times from agriculture and viticulture was once used as a temporary storage for manure. Today, wine tastings and festivals are held there. It takes its name from a rock niche (Kaut) in the Rotliegende. This was created by mining rock gravel (Kummer), which was used as fertiliser. Because of its high potash content, the…