Blick auf den Nordwestturm der Fleckenmauer


Nordwestturm an der Fleckenmauer Flörsheim-Dalsheim

The north-westernmost tower on the Fleckenmauer in Flörsheim-Dalsheim is designed as a flanking tower with a round ground plan and equipped with keyhole embrasures. This type of embrasure, whose appearance is reminiscent of a keyhole, and the construction of the tower, which protrudes from the wall on the field side, made it possible to observe the neighbouring sections of the wall well. The tower is also a time-travel location on the audiovisual tour "Time Travel Fleckenmauer" with additional content on yourube…

Hildegard Gedächtniskirche

Bingen am Rhein


ST RUPERT AND ST HILDEGARD WITH THE HILDEGARD CENTRE Not far from the former abbey of St Hildegard on Rupertsberg in Bingerbrück is the Catholic Hildegard Memorial Church. This church, which was constructed at the end of the 19th century, is dedicated to St Hildegard and St Rupert. In the style of the abbey church at St Rupert’s abbey, the church was completed with Romanesque structures. In the church is a small shrine with relics of St Hildegard and St Rupert. The impressive windows in the church transept depict the life and works of St…

carl_zuckmayer Memorial-keyvisual


Carl Zuckmayer Memorial

Carl Zuckmayer set a literary monument to his birthplace Nackenheim with his play "The Merry Vineyard". Open-air performances of his works take place here regularly. You can find out about his family history in a permanent exhibition in the local museum. A bust in front of the town hall commemorates Nackenheim's most famous son.

Christ Church (view from the Neustadt)



The quarter of Neustadt or "New Town" is located to the north-west of the city centre, on the other side of Kaiserstrasse. This area just outside the city walls was first developed at the end of the 19th century on a site known as Gartenfeld. With this development the city doubled in size. Although nearly razed to the ground during the Second World War, Neustadt is still dominated by a street layout and buildings designed by the city architect Eduard Kreyssig (1830-1897). Apartment blocks built during the Wilhelminian era featuring…

Trullo im Tal


Trullo "Im Tal"

The Trullo - the Trulli - the special little vineyard house in Rheinhessen. Former shelters in the vineyards for the workers, but also intended for the "Wingertschütz" who guarded the vineyards.




The newly designed Lindeplatz was opened in 2015. The special highlight is the Drei Grazien-Brunnen (Three Graces Fountain) donated by the Peter Eugen Eckes family. Parking spaces for the entrance to the Hiwweltour Zornheimer Berg as well as the restaurant Zornheimer Weinstuben and the Zornheimer Bürgerstube near Tasos are located directly at the square.