The village square "Auf dem Römer" is still the centre of the village and venue for events. This location is part of an audiovisual route and offers the possibility to watch/listen to additional content on Youtube audiovisual content of this point was created by a project of the LAG Rhein-Haardt and was funded within the framework of the EULLE development programme with the participation of the European Union and the State of Rhineland-Palatinate, represented by the Ministry of Economics, Transport, Agriculture and Viticulture of Rhineland-Palatinate. Homepage LEADER Region Rhine-Haardt (

Blick auf altes Rathaus am Dorfplatz
Publizitätshinweis Leader Region Rhein-Haardt


  • 01.01.2024 to 31.12.2024
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Contact details:

Auf dem Römer

Dorfplatz Ortsteil Dalsheim

Auf dem Römer

67592 Flörsheim-Dalsheim

Contact details:

Auf dem Römer

Auf dem Römer

67592 Flörsheim-Dalsheim