The Cauer Society, founded in December 1995, initially renovated primarily the studio and residence of the Cauer family. Since 2002, the rooms on the lower floor of the house have been open to visitors, with changing exhibitions. Since 2013, the Cauer House Foundation has been established under the umbrella of the German Foundation for Monument Protection. The goal of the Cauer Society is to preserve the heritage of all Cauer artists and present it to interested visitors in the museum-like Cauer House. Cauer House: Reminiscence of the Cauer family of artists. If the numerous Cauer sculptures in the Castle Park Museum and in the city's parks have aroused your curiosity, it is worth going to the Cauer House on the edge of the spa district. There, a museum preserves the studio of the last Bad Kreuznach artist of this artistic dynasty: HANNAH CAUER. Six generations of the artist dynasty, whose representatives mainly created sculptural art, lived and worked in Bad Kreuznach. From here they unfolded an international effectiveness.

Bild Cauerhaus


  • 01.01.2024 to 31.12.2024

    Opening hours: The Cauer House and studio can be visited during and after our events, as well as by appointment. Please call 0671 - 481401 or 0671 - 26510 to make an appointment.

  • 01.01.2024 to 31.12.2024
  • 01.01.2024 to 31.12.2024