The cross vault of the former winegrowers' farm is used in the Augenwaide as a sales room for flowers and decorations. The origin of the typical Rhine-Hessian vaults dates back to the early 19th century. In the course of secularisation, during which church properties, among other things, were nationalised, farm animals moved into cross-vaulted cellars for the first time. Lightweight brick was easy to work with and did not rot; it was also fireproof and more hygienic. Another reason for this construction method is the tried-and-tested statics, which made it possible to roof over even larger rooms in a collapse-proof manner and thus create space for more livestock. Since this construction method was previously only known from churches and monasteries and had a sacral character, a new name was quickly found: The cow chapel! Until the end of the 19th century, this type of construction became a status symbol in Rheinhessen, before cast-iron bars replaced the vault. One of the most beautiful places in our Augenwaide is the stable with cross vault built in the 19th century. Both in our "cow chapel" and in our former wine press house you can be inspired by the numerous decorations. Our farm shop also has a wide range of both local and exotic fruits and vegetables. Some mustard variations, oils, noodles or spice mixtures, which can be colourfully combined with each other and are ideal as gifts, also provide small delicacies.

Augenwaide Flö-Da
Augenwaide Flö-Da 2
Augenwaide Flö-Da 3
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Contact details:



Alzeyer Straße 36

67592 Flörsheim-Dalsheim

Tel: (0049)6243 229

Contact details:


Alzeyer Straße 36

67592 Flörsheim-Dalsheim

Tel: (0049)6243 229