The town hall building was erected in 1851/52. The ridge turret contained the fire bell that warned of fire danger. The ground floor housed the equipment for extinguishing fires. The entrance to the fire engine room was on the west side. In former times, the Schöffenhaus (aldermen's house) stood on the site of the town hall. It is mentioned as early as 1394 as a respectable two-storey building with an attached bakehouse. There is also evidence of a forge leaning against the north in 1508. The community forge with stables was abandoned in the middle of the 19th century.

At that time, the members of the Ingelheim Imperial Court, to which the municipality of Wackernheim also belonged, met in the Schöffenhaus. Court day in Wackernheim was Wednesday. However, the court did not meet weekly. The court records from the period 1471 to 1501 are still preserved in the so-called "Haderbuch". For minor offences, wrongdoers were imprisoned in the "Betzenstube" on the ground floor.

Incidentally, the Wackernheim Schultheiss (head of the Schöffengericht) from 1469 to 1484 was the nobleman Emmerich von Engelstadt, who was known for his litigious nature. He lived in Wackernheim with his wife Agnes and was very wealthy.

Rathaus Wackernheim