The “spa island” of Badewörth lies between the main arm of the River Nahe and the Mühlenteich canal. Locals bored the first salt water spring in 1832 at the very point where the Nahe and Mühlenkanal split. They named the spring Elisabethquelle – the “Elisabeth Spring” – after the wife of the King of Prussia. The building was used as the pump rooms until 1989 and now houses a wine bar. Salt water is now in the thermal baths and in the health centre, with inhalations and with therapeutic mud packs. The River Nahe and Mühlenkanal form a small island which stretches as far as the Alte Nahebrücke bridge where it forms the Kurgebiet or spa district. The point is fortified as high water can exert significant forces and throw entire tree trunks against the walls.
Food and drink in the spa gardens. People once came here to take the waters. The Elisabeth Spring building now houses a wine bar at the entrance to the spa gardens. Anas Elisabethquelle stands on historical ground above the first brine spring of the town.  Today wine is served here instead of salt water. The owner Ceballos de Fuchs provides a hospitable atmosphere and offers selected local wines from various wineries. In addition, hearty dishes and hearty snacks as well as other fine delicacies from the kitchen. A beautiful covered outdoor area is available from spring to autumn. The restaurant has 54 seats inside and 150 seats outside.

Elisabeth-Quelle mit Nahe-Wehr
Außenbereich Elisabeth-Quelle


  • 01.01.2024 to 31.12.2024
  • 01.01.2024 to 31.12.2024

    Monday to Tuesday, 5 pm until 10 pm, Saturday and Sundy form 11.30 am until 10 pm