A church in Monsheim was first mentioned in 1496 - a fortified church in the Romanesque style. The bell tower with its three bells dates back to 1878. In 1904/05, the form that can be seen today was created by adding the vestibule on the north side and creating a choir room. A modernisation phase from 1965-74 gave the church interior a rather cool objectivity. The interior renovation carried out in 2000 gave the church back its Art Nouveau paintings and thus its special touch. Text taken from Rundgang Monsheim with kind permission.Former Lutheran church, built 1738-42 in rural baroque style - tower 1930, three-sided hall, stucco ceiling and furnishings from the time of construction, "pneumatic cone chest organ" from the workshop Förster & Nikolaus Lich/Upper Hesse from 1915, also called winter church, since the installation of a church heating system at the end of the 19th century.

ev. Church Monsheim © Michael Röhrenbeck


  • 01.01.2024 to 31.12.2024