On the KulTOUR from the castle tower to Froschmühle Nierstein-Schwabsburg, you will travel back to the 13th century and learn more about the old bakery in Schwabsburg and the Froschmühle. The tour starts at the Schwabsburg castle tower. All you need for this tour is a smartphone with a QR code scanner. Each building on the tour has a QR code with interesting facts behind it. A total of 6 stations invite you to get to know Nierstein-Schwabsburg better on your own. After the tour, you can stop off at one of the restaurants around the market square or start one of the two other KulTOURs. We wish you lots of fun!

You can find more information here: www.kultour-nierstein.de


Altes Backhaus Schwabsburg
Evangelische Kirche Schwabsburg
Froschmühle Schwabsburg