The Nackenheim Local Museum "MUXUM" conveys the history of the community of Nackenheim to visitors from different perspectives.

In the "village treasury", the permanent presentation on the history of Nackenheim (ground floor), selected exhibits are displayed, each of which had a specific significance for the village and the region. A Q-code on the respective display case allows interested museum visitors to delve deeper into the history.

The permanent exhibition "Nackenheim - the lower village shaped by the Rhine" (ground floor), gives the visitor a very vivid insight into the professions of earlier times, which were closely linked to life on the river. Inventions and constructions are vividly illustrated with great attention to detail by the local boatmen's association.

The permanent exhibition "The Zuckmayers - a family from Rheinhessen" (1st floor) provides an insight into the educational family, their family business "Kapselfabrik" in Nackenheim and, of course, about the extensive literary works of the probably best-known son of Nackenheim: Carl Zuckmayer.
A part of the exhibition is also dedicated to the rather unknown brother Eduard Zuckmayer, who emigrated to Turkey and was an outstanding musician.

For many years, more than 30 professionally restored gravestones have been on display in the courtyard of the Nackenheim Local Museum in the "Lapidarium of Nackenheim Sepulchral Culture". They represent the regional burial culture and are partly several hundred years old.…


  • 01.01.2024 to 31.12.2024
  • 01.01.2024 to 31.12.2024
  • 01.01.2024 to 31.12.2024

    Opening hours of the museum:
    Every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month from 14:00 to 16:00.
    Guided tours possible by arrangement.