The only part remaining from the original church built in 1330 by the Order of St. Antony is the impressive chancel. Together with the Carmelite Church and the Church of the Rich Clares, it is one of only three remaining monastic churches going back to the Gothic period. From 1620 to the time of secularisation in 1802, it was the church of the adjacent monastery of the Poor Clares. The single-nave church features a complete cycle of wall murals from the original building, the only such work preserved in Mainz. The paintings were exposed and restored in 1948, giving a good impression of how the original church must have looked like. The vault features fine geometric patterns, and panels containing depictions of various saints. The ceiling of the chapel is dominated by Christ in Glory flanked by the Virgin Mary and John the Baptist (Deesis).

St. Antony's: vaulted ceiling


  • 01.01.2024 to 31.12.2024