staatstheater Mainz image, © Andreas Etter© Andreas Etter

The Mainz State Theatre in the centre of the city is a vibrant venue of artistic and societal discourse. It caters for operas, plays, and dance performances and has several stages, namely the Grosse Haus, Kleine Haus, and Studiobühne U17 located deep underground, as well as the Glashaus with an unobstructed view of the cathedral. The permanent company and the regular collaboration with a number of house directors give the theatre a distinct identity, while the versatile programme with many productions that span music, dance, and theatre attracts large audiences.

Apart from classic plays, the theatre is always interested in works with a regional focus, and also stages experimental performances and contemporary works. In all its productions, the house seeks to explore how topics and stories relate to today, always asking the question "What has a play to say to a contemporary audience?"

justmainz Theatre staging productions for a young audience is a project that is particularly close to the heart of the people of the State Theatre. All actors from the main stage also perform with great enthusiasm in productions aimed at children and teenagers put on by justmainz. Cultural education and public participation are two pillars of Mainz State Theatre, and this is reflected in its programme, which offers something for all age groups. The theatre cooperates closely with schools and nurseries. It regularly organises events and workshops where fun is part of the game. Under the auspices of its opera team, the theatre is also known for its forays into the new genre of contemporary musical theatre for children.   

The dance performances are all of a contemporary nature. Renowned choreographers from all over the world come to Mainz, and the international reputation of the house attracts top dancers to perform together with the tanzmainz troupe. The tanzmainz Festival first held in 2015 was a great success. Virtually all performances sold out and the festival put Mainz on the map, attracting the attention of dance lovers well beyond the Rhine-Main region.  

Abendstimmung Staatstheater
State Theatre


  • 01.01.2018 to 31.12.2018