Next to the semicircular apse of the Aula regia (Throne Hall), an archaeological shelter was erected in 2000. The accessible steel and glass construction preserves the extraordinarily well-preserved remains of a 12th-century Staufer heating system. Due to its shape, size and its condition, it is a unique testimony to the history of high medieval technology.

Detailed information on this heating system is provided on information boards on and in the protective structure. The key to the shelter can be borrowed from the visitor centre and the museum near the imperial palace.

During archaeological excavations in 1993 and 1997, two graves from the 9th or early 10th century were found in front of the apse of the Aula regia. found. Further information on these can be found on a plaque in the lower area, which corresponds to the historical walking level. At this point in the tour, it is also possible to climb a spiral staircase up to the almost ten-metre-high 12th-century defence wall. It offers an overview of the archaeological zone of the imperial palace of Ingelheim. Through the battlements you discover in the west St. Remigius Church to the west and the Rheingau to the north.

Hot air heating


  • 01.01.2024 to 31.12.2024
  • 01.01.2024 to 31.12.2024
  • 01.01.2024 to 31.12.2024

    The Kaiserpfalz Archaeological Zone (AZK) is freely accessible at all times, as the individual monuments are located in a residential area (hall area). Some presentation areas can be visited in full every day during the following opening hours:

    Opening hours: Outdoor areas of the Imperial Palace monuments (Aula regia, Heidesheimer Tor)

    April-October: Mon-Thu from 10 am to 5 pm, Fri-Sun and on public holidays from 10 am to 6 pm

    November-March: Tue-Sun and on public holidays 10am-4pm

    Most of the presentation areas in the Imperial Palace area are barrier-free. The warm air heating and Jewish cemetery area is expected to be closed until 2024 for safety reasons and due to urgently needed renovation work.

    Opening hours: Visitor centre and museum at the Imperial Palace

    April-October: Tue-Thu 10am-5pm, Fri-Sun and on public holidays 10am-6pm

    November-March: Tue-Sun and on public holidays 10am-4pm

    The visitor centre and museum at the Kaiserpfalz, the Saalkirche church and the theme house in the Heidesheimer Tor monument area are closed on Mondays.

    The Saalkirche church is open on Sundays from 11.30 am from April to October.

    The Museum bei der Kaiserpfalz is closed between 23 December and 5 January.